Structural components can be the main stars in architectural projects, contributing to the understanding of how the building's intrinsic forces are organized and distributed. Cables are constantly being used to steal the scene: they subvert the logic of supporting structures and build stable systems using tension, creating both a sense of strength and lightness in the building.
This kind of element is found in buildings of many different sizes, ranging from the steel cables of large and majestic suspension bridges to the cables on residential roofs. We have picked a series of Brazilian houses that benefit from this delicate and powerful structural component in different ways, showing the versatility of its potential applications.
LLM House / Obra Arquitetos

Carapicuiba House / Angelo Bucci + Alvaro Puntoni

Morro do Querosene House / gruposp

Avaré House / Sergio Sampaio Arquitetura + Planejamento

House Villa-Lobos / Una Arquitetos

House in Itu / Grupo SP

Do Bomba House / Sotero Arquitetos

Ribeirão Preto House / SPBR Arquitetos + MMBB Arquitetos

GSM House / OTP arquitetura

Piracaia Residence / Nitsche Arquitetos

Blue House / Bruno Levy

BT House / Taguá Arquitetura